Edenthorpe Equestrian Spring Working Hunter Ridden and InHand Show
Sunday 16 March 2025
Entries close in 2 days
183 upcoming events
Next event:
13/03/2025 Training Thursday @ Northallerton EC
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This day camp is geered at the Younger Event Rider, they will have a stable to use for the day and 3 group training sessions geered to all aspects of eventing and 1 of the horse session to enable them to develop strategies to cope eiththe coming season we will use the Amazing Facilities at Hall Farm, XC ans Sj fences are on the large outdoor arena that has steps and water jump adjecent to it all suitable for winter use. I have skinnes, steps, ditch and water including steps in and out, all available to view on either FB at Victoira Bakeri BHSI Coaching or on my website www.victoirabakercoaching.co.uk
Victoria Baker is one of the most experienced Coaches in the industry, having Competed up to BE 4*, BS 1.30 and BD Advanced Medium, she is also an Advanced Centre 10 Coach so is able to address any anxiety issues affecting your riding. She is extremely experienced with all ages and abilities and has produced many types of horses to top level.
Victoria States "I thoroughtly enjoy coaching all ages and abilities of both horse and rider. My greatest joy is being invoilved in the horse/rider development journey"
Please fill in the form on this dcument and emial it to me, it is a one off document for your first booking
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