Birdsall Estate Equestrian X-Country Scenic Ride
Sunday 30 March 2025
Entries close in 2 days
11 upcoming events
Next event:
29/03/2025 HCTG Polework with Tracy Garside
Find out more ..
We have never forced competitors to preregister with the site before allowing them to enter competitions. It is just not in our philosophy. So you have, you can and you will also be able to pick an event, enter it, pay for your entry and not need to sign up.
However, should you wish to register there are some advantages which you read more about in our blog on this very topic: Do I need to be registered as a competitor in order to enter events at
Should you still have any questions then feel free to contact us at:
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Not a problem. Horsevents is geared up to work for you. Register as a Show Organiser in the first instance here: Register. Once registered you can then add yourself as the Show Centre and then add each of the venues you work from as different venues. There is no limit to the number of venues you can register and use on Horsevents.
When you then add each tuition date you can then select the appropriate venue for that session
Should you still have any questions then feel free to contact us at:
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The home page of the site only shows the next two weeks by default but you can change this to the next 30 days. If that still does not help then you can use our Advanced Search where you can search through a specific date range, or a County, or a Show Type or even by the name of the Organiser or venue (The Organiser and venue name will even work with a part name search).
The Advanced Search screen even offers quick search options by Month so you can at one click find out what is on next month or the following Month.
If you are still having no joy then it could be that the event you are trying to enter has been listed as a Private event. Private events do not appear in our diary and search options. For these events you will need to be provided with the event link by the Organiser. Many Pony and Riding Clubs run events as private. If it is one of these events that you are trying to enter then you will need to ask the Organiser for a direct link.
Should you still have any questions then feel free to contact us at:
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After a succesful entry the system will have emailed you a confirmation. If you did not receive that notification (having checked your Spam/Junk folders) then you can search the system for your entry.
Step One is to find the event you have entered and navigate to the event page. Step Two, on the event page, in the Enter Online section, just above the list of classes available, is short link entitled: Have you already entered this event? If you click the Check online now link it will present you with a search box. In this search box just type the first few letters of the horse/pony name OR the first few letters of the riders name and a set of results will be presented, hopefully you are one of them and you can click View Details next to your entry to ensure it is a fully paid entry
This search box will also search parts of names. For example, you may not be entirely sure of a horse/pony spelling but you know it has a the in the middle, well just search for the and it will find all entries with a the in their name.
If you are registered as a Competitor, and were signed in when you entered the event, then your entries will also be listed in your Competitor Zone.
Should you still have any questions then feel free to contact us at:
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Should you still have any questions then feel free to contact us at:
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